Thoughts on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day. The day where we honour our mothers. There are cards, banners and reminders everywhere.. But what if your memories of your mother are painful? What if you have lost a child, or are separated from your children? For those who resonate with this, Mother’s Day can be a very difficult day indeed.

So what do you do? The first and perhaps most important thing you can do is acknowledge how you feel. Whatever your emotions, you have every right to them and they are yours. No one can know how you feel except you. Secondly, seek out supports. This can be through a conversation with a trusted friend, or perhaps a Peer Support Group. There are many support groups out there for people who have had difficult relationships with their mothers and/or children and for those who are bereaved. Please do not think you are the only one, as that is not the case.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly do something for yourself that treasures who you are. It can be as simple as going for a walk, watching a movie that you enjoy, or sleeping a little later than usual. Self care is so important at all times, and particularly when you are faced with a challenge.

If you choose therapy, please know that we are here. You can also access a database of great therapists at

If you have lost a child through both miscarriage and still birth, there are supports for you at

If you are estranged from your child you can find self-help support groups at: or

Blessings to you all.



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