Indigenous History and Pride Month: Learn, Celebrate and be proud!

I think of June as a colourful month. There is a lot to celebrate: the end of another school year, warm weather and long days and of course Pride and Indigenous History month. It is an opportunity to celebrate who we are while we acknowledge the fact that those of us who are not Indigenous are fortunate enough to live in this beautiful nation.

I don’t know about you, but a someone who is not Indigenous I had to unlearn a great deal. What I was taught in elementary and secondary school was entirely focused on colonialism. Indigenous Peoples have rich histories and sadly none of it was taught when I was in school. Over the years I have learned a great deal more about Indigenous Peoples and their histories. I have also learned that racism against Indigenous Peoples is not a thing of the past. The last residential “school” in Ontario closed in the 1990’s, and still Indigenous women are more at risk of harm, stereotypes prevail and many Communities in Canada do not have clean water.

So what can be done? What is the role of an ally? The first thing anyone can do is learn about the land they occupy. I know for example that I live on the traditional territory of the Missisaugas of Scugog Island. The little creek near my house was once a river, teeming with fish. The area I live in was a summer destination for many Indigenous People as they came to fish, hunt and barter. I still look at that little creek in wonder at what it once was, trying to imagine all of the activity that must have taken place around it. If you have not researched the land you live on, I encourage you to do it. You will be amazed at the rich history and culture you discover.'

We can all be allies to those who are different from us. Not in a way that implies that we are “normal” and they are not, but in a way to supports and celebrates difference and strives to learn from other people. There is no “us and them” , there is only us in this global family. Lives are made richer by learning, and there is a great deal to learn from cultures, and people who are not the same as us.

So-enjoy this colourful month of June…reach out and learn from each other, and celebrate who YOU are! We all have gifts, and only by acknowledging them to ourselves are we able to celebrate them in others.

Be well



Just tell me what to do to feel better


Thoughts on Mother’s Day