Is it Spring Yet?

As I left my house yesterday, I noticed the snow shovel sitting by the front door. I almost put it in the garage, and then thought better of it, remembering springs when snow had landed well into April. I also had the nagging feeling that I may be encouraging snow by putting the shovel away so call me superstitious!

For me, spring is a season of renewal, growth and reaffirmation of what is important. For the first time in many years, Easter, Passover and Ramadan fall at the same time. I found myself saying and writing all three as a way to include the very diverse group of people that I know and care about. Although I am not someone who attends ceremonies, my spirituality is important to me, and it is important to acknowledge the faiths of others. In this world of diversity, Easter is no longer the “faith of choice” and I feel it important to recognize that.

All of this relates to change and growth. Putting the snow shovel away is an analogy for change. Pushing forward with where I or we want to go, even though it might snow and we will need to retrieve that shovel from time to time.

Recognizing the diversity of others and of the world is part of that growth for me, as is challenging the “truths” in that I grew up with and that continue to be part of the prevailing culture.

I think this is what counselling/therapy is all about, challenging what appears to be a “truth” with what is in order to arrive at where one wants to be. This is the role of a therapist, to witness that journey, point out observations and listen closely in a way that serves to guide change for those who wish to embrace it.

These are not always easy journeys, but they can be fulfilling ones, if one changes from a framework of “wrong choices” and “mistakes” to one of lessons, learnings and self love.

So, if you want to put that shovel away…embrace the change you are seeking, give us a call at Mills Lunman Counselling, or send an email.

We are here to help.

Happy Easter, Passover, Ramadan or long weekend.




Thoughts on Mother’s Day


Thoughts on International Women’s Day