Happy 2023!

How was 2022 for you? How are you feeling about 2023? Many people decide to make changes in the New Year ahead. The best advice I have heard lately is that if you decide to make a “New Year’s Resolution” make it one you really want to and can achieve.

Can you go to the gym every day? Or, can you commit to a brisk walk three times a week? Can you totally give up chocolate, or can you just eat less of it? Whatever it is and if you decide on a resolution, make it one you can achieve and forgive yourself when you break the rules here and there.

Many years ago, my resolution was to lose weight for health purposes. I have achieved a weight loss of over 60 pounds for 22 years in total. I did this by accepting that sometimes I could not restrict my sweet tooth or my wish to sleep just a bit more!

Whatever your resolution, or if you have one, please commit to being kind to yourself. Understand we are all human and the tough times just teach us how strong we are and how sweet the good times can be.

Remember that if you are seeking an opportunity to use counselling to achieve the change you want to see in your life that John and I are just an email or phone call away.

Blessings to you all for 2023

Jai and John




Is this the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year” for you?