February is more interesting than you might think!

I don’t know about you, but I find February a little odd this year. Part of it is the weather, which has been uncommonly warm and “snowless” where I live. The other part has been the realization that despite it’s bad reputation, February has some things going for it.

First of all, we now have a long weekend in February, and this being a leap year, we also have an additional day. Of course Valentine’s Day is on February 14, but perhaps more exciting has been the fact that the groundhog predicted an early spring.

Despite all of this excitement, you may be feeling a little out of energy and out of sorts this month. Part of that may have to do with the fact that we have not seen a great deal of sun over the past few weeks. Perhaps you are coping with the aftermath of holiday expenses, dreading Valentine’s Day, or just feeling generally down.

You have lots of company.

So-what can you do. There are some simple suggestions such as taking a Vitamin D supplement, or using a special light to manage the dark days. You can purchase a “Sad Lamp”, or access one at some local library. The Robarts Library in Toronto has Sad Lamps for the use of the public. Check with your local library to see if they have a lamp, or reach out to your local Canadian Mental Health Association. Some CMHA’s have lamps on site for people to use.

Regardless of your relationship status, Valentine’s Day can be a great day for self care. Do something you love. It does not need to be big or expensive. Perhaps there is a movie you have been wanting to see, or maybe a local place you have wanted to visit. Maybe you have been looking forward to a quiet day of reading? Whatever it is, go ahead and show yourself some love.

Remember that the February blahs will pass. If you think there is more going on, and would like to talk with someone, give John or I a call. You can reach out to us via phone or email.

You will find links on this site.

Until March…..

Take good care of yourself.


Jai Mills, M.S.W. R.S.W.


Beware the Ides of March!

