
Are you a person who likes to come up with New Year’s resolutions? Or, do you prefer to gently enter the New Year, wondering what it may bring…or, do you just ignore it altogether?

No matter what your preference, it is so important to do what is best for you, what aligns with YOUR choices and proceed in a way that leads to your own personal growth and Best Life.

What is your Best Life? That is a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. Your Best Life takes you toward your values, not away from them. Your Best Life takes you toward your authentic self.

If you do make resolutions for 2024, keep your Best Life in mind. Will going to the gym make you happy? If it will, go for it, but don’t punish yourself if you don’t go as often as you aim to. Will finding a better work/life balance make you happy? Go for it, but understand that balance may require periodic adjustments.

Above all, savour and enjoy the present. Time passes to swiftly that sometimes we forget to enjoy where we are. Sure, it may not be perfect, but that is part of the beauty of the now.

If you would like some support in moving toward your Best Life, please get in touch with either John or I. We would love to support you in your journey.

Have a beautiful, joyous, healthy and satisfying 2024!


Jai Mills, M.S.W., R.S.W.


February is more interesting than you might think!


Happy Love Yourself Month