Happy February, Ground Hog, Valentines and Family Days!

Here we are in February already. Ground Hog Day has come and gone, and it seems none of the little critters could agree. It is all up to Mother Earth as we go from cold to warm to extreme cold.

Weather and Winter are what they are, and I have great admiration for those sunny souls who embrace it with gusto!

Of course February has a lot going for it with not only Ground Hog Day, but Valentine’s and Family Days as well. I think I could speak for many of us who are happy to see a Long Weekend!

Valentine’s Day might be a bit different for many. It may be a lonely and sad time for some people, in particular those who are seeking romantic relationships.

Of course, relationships are based on personal choices and preferences, but I wonder how many people think about the relationship they have with themselves? What would happen if Valentines Day, which is supposed to be about love, was taken as an opportunity to focus on self love?

For those who are reading this and thinking “but I want a relationship and I never meet anyone”, think about the choices you make when you put yourself and your own needs first and the choices you make when you love yourself first.

So what does that mean? “Love yourself”? It can be as simple as changing your self talk. Instead of looking in the mirror and focusing on what you believe your flaws to be, how about looking in the mirror and noting all the things you like about yourself? Loving yourself can mean that you make good self care a priority. You make sure to get enough sleep, enough nutrition and enough activity to feel good in your body. I think one of the most difficult self love actions, at least for me is to say no. If you are asked to do something that feels like a stretch or an inconvenience, before you answer ask yourself what would happen if you said no. If the feeling you get back is relief, then take a risk…and say no.

Lastly, love starts with you. Love yourself, give yourself a break, enjoy who you are. Make this a Valentines Day where you remember how much you love and cherish who you are.

If you are looking for support with your self love journey, we are here to help.


Jai Mills, M.S.W., R.S.W.


Thoughts on International Women’s Day

