Summertime and the Living is Easy?

Here we are in July. I don’t know about you, but I love the summer. I love not having to wear a coat, longer days and warm summer nights. I love catching up on my recreational reading and being near the water.

How about you? Do you enjoy the heat? Do you plan your vacation or “off time” for the summer?

The world is a difficult place right now with economic and other uncertainties. Many people are stretched to the limit with managing their complex lives, money issues and kids at home from school. If this is you, give John or I a call We would love to listen, and we would love to help based on your needs and goals.

Remember that our fees are covered by most insurance companies.

Have a great summer!

Jai Mills M.S.W. R.S.W.


It always feels like a new year to me!


It has been a while!