November is not a bad month at all!

It’s November. Just the other day, someone said that it was the “month of dread and darkness”. I don’t agree. It is the month where the clocks fall back, there is usually little or no snow and things get cozy. It is also a month where many people begin to think about family events and potential financial pressures.

Holidays have already emerged in the malls and stores and commercials for gift buying are on TV. Will this holiday season be different for you? Do you want it to be?

So many people are struggling this year with rising prices for almost everything. Holiday expenses may be anticipated with dread by many people. In addition, family dynamics may lead many to not feel very excited any of the holiday hype.

So-what is a person to do? Setting limits you are comfortable with helps. Do you celebrate the holidays? If you do, what is your ideal celebration? Maybe you don’t feel that you want to do things the same way this year. It is your right to choose.

Spend some time thinking about what feels good to you, and draw up a plan. Holidays should be a good time for all, not just for some. This includes setting a budget, if you purchase gifts, along with the other plans that will make this time good for you.

Many people find themselves missing family or friends who have passed on or who are estranged. Holiday times naturally can intensify these feelings. Take time to care for yourself, and talk with a friend or someone close to you for some support.

As always, John and I are here to offer our services. If counselling would be right for you, please give us a call or send an email. We offer sliding scale for those who require it, and our services are covered by many private insurance plans.

Whatever it is that you choose to do, plan according to your needs and wants. That will make this year happier and healthier for you and all the people you love.

Happy November!!


Jai Mills, M.S.W., R.S.W.


Happy Love Yourself Month


Welcome October!