Fall into New Beginnings

I took at bit of a break this month, as I felt I had nothing I really wanted to post about. However, now that August is drawing to a close, and Fall is about to arrive, I find myself thinking about new beginnings and opportunities to learn. I took a course in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) this summer with Dr. Russ Harris. I enjoyed learning this new way of working with people, particularly because ACT is all about living your best life, by focusing on strength and resiliency.

You may ask, “What is your best life”? Your best life is what you define as the life that brings you joy, fulfillment and purpose. No one else can define that for you, but you can reach that Best Life, of that there is no doubt.

Combining these ACT skills with my experience and other skills, such as Narrative Therapy gives me the opportunity to be a more effective therapist by strengthening my ability to support my clients to achieve their goals and aspirations. Therapy/counselling can be and is challenging and difficult work, but having the privilege to support, facilitate, witness and guide this process is one of the many joys I receive from the work I do with my clients.

So-as fall arrives, with many of us seeing it as an opportunity for new beginnings, and you begin to think of making some positive changes in your life, think of giving John or I a call.

It would be our privilege to work with you as you achieve Your Best Life.

If you would like to know more about ACT, take a look at Dr. Russ Harris’ videos on YouTube, or you can find “ACT made Simple” at your local book seller.

Happy Fall Everyone!

Jai Mills, M.S.W., R.S.W.


Welcome October!


Just tell me what to do to feel better